The Tax Planning Process
Our tax planning process typically proceeds with the following steps:
Engage in initial situation assessment and fact-finding to determine if significant tax savings opportunities are likely available.
Obtain relevant additional information.
Assess prospect’s situation and develop initial Tax Savings Estimate.
Review the Initial Tax Savings Estimate with client.
Client makes decision as to GO or NO-GO. If NO-GO, the discussion is terminated in a professional manner. We have found that many NO-GO decisions don’t really mean “No” but rather mean “Not Now”. If GO, the following steps continue.
Provide engagement letter identifying various responsibilities to client for signature. Arrange for payment of fees.
Finalize the Tax Savings Plan, review with Client and obtain Client approval and buy-in.
Implement the Tax Savings Plan and start reaping the benefits.
Ongoing follow-up to ensure proper engagement implementation and to identify future tax strategies required by a changing client situation.